Automated Software Testing
Software testing has always been essential to the success of the software because
- It goes through various testing stages from the conception of the software until the live run.
- It goes through numerous tests to make sure that it has no malfunctions and everything is going smoothly not only with the software but with the systems that are dependent on the software. Any errors encountered during the testing stage are corrected.
- The testing stage ensures that the errors are addressed on time and the software is retested again for possible errors.
- It continues until everything has been addressed and running smoothly

Automation testing is an alternative means of software testing technique that tests and compares the actual outcome with the expected outcome. Manual tests can be achieved by writing test scripts while automation tests are achieved using an automation testing tool. Automation test is used to automate software tasks and other testing tasks which are difficult to perform manually.
Why Choose automation testing
Positive tests: We make a test suite of all the basic functionality in the software. We ensure this suite is automated, and when this suite is run against any build, results are shown immediately.
End-to-End tests: Under large solutions, we resort to testing and using an end-to-end functionality because that holds the key, especially during the critical stages of the project.
Feature/Functionality-based tests: We have another suite at INSBYTECH that will test purely UI based functionalities like calendar button, pagination, text box character limitation, drop downs, graphs, images and many such UI only centric features.
We leverage automation testing at INSBYTECH because it reduces testing time. However, automating all the tests without any plan, grouping or sequence will lead to massive script errors which are ample maintenance, malfunction often and need a lot of manual intervention too.
We Group and automate the project to save a whole lot of time and give all the benefits of automation.